reports that according to Ice Mortgage Technology (formerly Ellie Mae), in their Loan Origination Report for January, “closed loans continued to show declining note rates in January, dropping from an average of 2.93 percent in December to 2.88 percent” and also includes “Interest rates continued to decline in January, driving up the share of refinances by seven percent,”
Read the article here:
Refi Share of Closed Loans Rose 7 bp in January offers this informative article which confirms that mortgage interest rates were again at an all time low in January, saying “Rates ended January at an all-time low, according to Bankrate’s national survey of lenders. Mortgage experts expect rates to remain alluringly low as we head toward Valentine’s Day and beyond.”
Here’s the link to the article:
Mortgage rate forecast for February 2021: Rates to remain in refi sweet spot
This is a great time for mortgage refinance, and Notary Near You is ready when you need notary services, providing you a business platform that allows you to request a public notary at the touch of a button, anytime and anywhere.
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